Understanding your love language will help your relationship with Jesus.
Jesus to Us
Words of Affirmation
- Jer 31:3 - Everlasting love; Joshua 1:9 - Do not fear; Psalm 139:14 - Fearfully and wonderfully made; Jer 29:11; Jer 1 - set apart from birth
- John 10:10 - Life abundantly; Matt 11:29 - Rest; Eph 2:8-10 - salvation
- John 13 - Washes disciples feet; Mark 10:45 - Serve and Give life
Quality time
- John 14 - Be where Jesus is; Rev 21:3 - We will be with Jesus; Zeph 3:17 - God is with you
- Sabbath -- made for quality time -- “date night”
Physical touch
- Luke 5:13 - Jesus touched people; Rev 21:4 - Wipe every tear away
Us to Jesus
Words of Affirmation
- New song of praise each day - for His mercies are new. Thank God for His love, goodness, and mercy
- Give of ourselves to Him
- Tithe and your time - Trust Him for everything is His (Mal 3:10 - Test God's faithfulness)
- Serve God with whole being - missionary/service trip
- Daily serving others = serving God
Quality time
- Personal TAG (Time Alone with God)
- Be interruptible
Physical touch
- Face to face - Zeph 3:17 — "He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
- Closeness to God - intimacy
Find your love languages: https://www.5lovelanguages.com
[Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch]