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The Conflict

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We can find a battle between good & evil in almost every corner of culture; we see it in movies, books, and religions.

In looking at these battles between good & evil, there are casualities and unfortunate events that occur simply because of the fact that the context is that of a conflict.

In the Bible, we also find that there is a major conflict between good & evil, namely, God and Satan.

A fundamental principle for God is that He does not force you to do anything, because He knows that love cannot be forced. In this conflict, we find that God has to navigate through His ideal will and remedial will to help each and everyone of us in our best interest in light of the context of conflict.

History between God and Satan

(Genesis 3, Revelation 12, 13 -14, 17, 19)

  1. Satan wants Gods position, power, and prominence - Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28

  2. Satan is cast out from heaven - Revelation 12

  3. Satan tempts Adam and Eve - Genesis 3

  4. God delivers promise of future deliverer and conquerer over Satan - Gen 3:15

  5. Satan attacks Jesus all through His ministry - Matthew 4

  6. Satan attacks Jesus’ followers and church - Revelation 12-13

Difference between Christ and Satan

  • Satan desires to ascend through pride and is brought down in the end

  • Jesus descends through humility and is exalted in the end



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