Worship is anything we see is worthy of our: time, affection, money, energy, desire; meaning that we worship that which takes our time, money, affection, etc.
Worship tends to be seen as an event that occurs once a week, but in reality, worship is every single day.
Joseph Kidder in his book Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship, says:
"Worship is an encounter with God. It happens when our hearts touch the heart of God... Worship is finding ourselves engulfed with the grace, mercy, and warmth of God’s presence. Thus worship can take place anytime, anywhere, under any circumstance, when we meet God and desire to be changed by Him... Worship is an active response to God whereby we declare His worth. Instead of being passive, it is participative. Nor is it simply a mood or feeling, but a declaration of our awe and wonder."
We worship God in response to what He is done and-because He is worth our worship. Worship is about what you do, and not what is done for you by the church and pastors, since God already did all for you - we respond/react to God's initiative.
Bible passages:
Romans 12:1-2
Rev 14:7